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Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

Info as of January 25, 2010 ...
On December 29, 2009, Daniel Rainsong found and photographically documented a living Ivory-Billed Woodpecker in the southern Sabine River basin. No one is required to believe right now. We should all be in the wait-and-see mode. The pictures have been viewed by the several primary individuals. Nothing to report from that yet. We'll wait and see what they say, and go from there. Dan hopes to lead someone to this living Ivory-Billed Woodpecker.
Update February 4, 2010 ...
Like news that is no news...
Reminiscent of a Saturday Night Live skit, the photographs and locations are still being analyzed by the principles involved. Meanwhile, Dan is busy working on a possible new expedition to the Sabine area. This time of year (winter, when the leaves are off the trees and the foliage is down) gives the best opportunity to sight the bird. If it gets too late, any planned expedition might have to be scrubbed. The season (and Dan's available time) for mounting a confirmation expedition yet this year are rapidly coming to an end. And meanwhile, we're all waiting for word...
Update February 5, 2010 ...
Some quotations to ponder...

German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer:
"All truth passes through three stages...
- First, it is ridiculed.
- Second, it is violently opposed.
- Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

     Dan's Scorecard
     Jabbering Parrots have attempted ridicule Ridicule
     Jabbering Parrots have attempted violent opposition Violent Opposition
     One more step to go! Accepted As Self-Evident

Sir Winston Churchill:
"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."

Mike Collins:
"None of the big names in bird watching have paid the dues necessary to see an Ivory-billed Woodpecker."

Update February 11, 2010 ...
Nature Magazine has a good article on the current state of the US Fish and Wildlife Service Recovery Plan for the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. Dan Rainsong is mentioned in that article. (Author - Rex Dalton). To see Nature Article (Click Here)
Update March 15, 2010 ...
And the search season for Dan ends. Warm-weather work needs to be done. Dan is disappointed that a legitimate follow-up search was not able to be accomplished. But next search season... Video!

Note to other searchers: If you invest the time and money to conduct a search for the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, leave your "still camera" at home. Two dimensional still photographs, by their very nature, are inconclusive. Take only video cameras with you. Then, when you reach in a hurry for the camera, the result will be much better.